School Council Meeting – Monday, Sept 24, 2018 at 6:30pm

Meeting in the School Library

The Kimberley PS Council fulfills the mandate of the Ontario Government to function as an advisory body making recommendations to the Principal of the school or to the Board on any matter.

The School Council supports the enhancement of the school experience for our children through organization of fundraising, volunteering, and planning of community events throughout the year.

We generally meet on the 4th Monday of each month from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meetings are open to all and we encourage all parents to come by and voice your thoughts or just listen to the reports of others to find out what is going on at school. If you have concerns of a school nature, School Council is a medium for helping investigate possible solutions. Items for discussion should be given to the Council Chair a week prior to each meeting to be added to the agenda.

Anyone interested on becoming part of the executive should drop by the office and pick up some information and/or nomination forms. Forms will be due to the Principal by Friday, September 14.