Kimberley Jr PS and BAS Healthy Snack Program
Rolling Again This Year!
We are so excited to be able to offer our Healthy Snack Program again this year. This program was designed for and has evolved to suit the unique needs of our little community school. Parent volunteers prepare and serve fruit, veggies, seeds, hummus and other delicious snacks. The primary and junior students serve themselves from the snack wagon each day at morning recess. The kindergarten classes receive their snack in the classroom, prepared specially for small hands, both in the morning and afternoon. We also have a large bowl of fruit or veggies outside the office, plus extra snacks like yogurt, cheese, crackers and granola bars available for anyone who needs an extra hit of nutrition throughout the day.
Our Amazing Volunteer Team!
The snack program requires a dedicated team of volunteers to ensure the it runs smoothly and successfully. Each day volunteers chop fruit and vegetables for the kindergarten classes, wash dishes, and deliver a wagonload of fresh fruit and veggies to the grade 1 to 6 students at recess. If you would like to volunteer and get involved with this great program, please contact us!
Snack for all!
A grant application is submitted every spring in order to receive subsidy from the Toronto Foundation of Student Success (TFSS) for the following year. These funds cover with the bulk of the costs for the program. Donations from families are welcome. Please contact us is you wish to donate. We spend on average $500 per week on fruit and vegetables alone.
What do our Kids Say?
We are so excited about how well received the program has been among our students, we thought we would share some comments from our kids!
“I had never eaten a pear before – I like it.”
“Sometimes I am so hungry and I love that I can go to the office and grab some fruit.”
“I can’t wait to go home and tell my mom what snack was and how much I ate.”
“I like that my bananas are never mushy.”
“Pulling the wagon is the highlight of my day.”
“I have never eaten so much pineapple!”
Enough said!
Warm regards,
KPS/BAS Snack Team