Thank you to all who came out to the First Kimberley School Council Meeting. We would like to introduce you to the new Board for 2016-2017.

Chair – Deniese McKenney
Vice Chair – Lisa Lemon
Treasurer – Victoria Morwick
Secretary – Colleen Kiel
Communications Officer – Rebecca Hart
Nutrition Co-ordinator – Trish Feistner
Nutrition Co-ordinator – Jenn Tinker

To start the year we’d like to hear from you, please take a moment and fill in this short questionnaire to help us help you. To the many of you who filled this out at Curriculum night we already have your comments – thank you. We have a long list of ideas for initiatives and events for the next year all in support of all the Kimberley PS kids.

The funds raised will enable among other things:

  • the purchase of new, up to date technology and learning apps
  • extra curricular activities including field trips and guest presentations

The school council advises the principal and the Board on a variety of issues and activities relating to student achievement, curriculum goals and priorities, school budget priorities, school safety, renovation plans, after school activities, and criteria for selection of new principals. More information on ByLaws and Policies is available here.

If you have any questions for the board please either email us at or leave us a note in the School Council box in the School office and we will respond as soon as we can. (of course also feel free to come up and introduce yourself if you see us at school)

The next School Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 17 at 630pm, ALL parents are welcome to attend. You can just listen to everything from our monthly report from the principal to our plans for upcoming fundraising events, but we welcome all comments and questions from everyone. One week before the meeting we will send out an agenda.

And please check out our website at for more information and updates as the year progresses.

Thank you,
Kimberley School Council

PS – Don’t forget to click the red button to sign up for our email list to be notified of upcoming meetings and family events.