
About kjpspc@live.com

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So far kjpspc@live.com has created 210 blog entries.

Movie Night – November 23rd, 2018

2019-03-15T17:15:10-04:00November 1st, 2018|Events / Fundraisers, Movie Nights|

Join us to watch “The Greatest Showman” in the Kimberley PS gym with friends.  Doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30pm. Bring something soft to sit on and a water bottle to keep you hydrated. The Snack Program has graciously donated fresh fruit and veggies to nibble on. Children must not be left unattended. Pizza & […]

Orange Shirt Day – Friday, September 28

2018-09-21T19:30:25-04:00September 21st, 2018|Events / Fundraisers|

NOTE FROM KIMBERLEY On Friday September 28 we will honour Orange Shirt Day, which officially falls on September 30th each year. We wear orange shirts (t-shirts mostly) in recognition of the legacy of Residential Schools in Canada. The students have been learning about the significance of this day, its place in our country’s history and [...]

School Council – Fact Sheet

2018-09-19T19:07:31-04:00September 19th, 2018|Events / Fundraisers|

School Councils provide a place where parents can raise and solve school-wide issues and contribute as partners in their children’s education. An effective School Council communicates well with its stakeholders and establishes goals that reflect the interests, concerns and priorities of the parent community. Read More from the Ministry of Education School Council Guidelines.

School Council – Fact Sheet

2018-09-19T19:07:31-04:00September 19th, 2018|Events / Fundraisers|

School Councils provide a place where parents can raise and solve school-wide issues and contribute as partners in their children’s education. An effective School Council communicates well with its stakeholders and establishes goals that reflect the interests, concerns and priorities of the parent community. Read More from the Ministry of Education School Council Guidelines.

Welcome Back!

2018-09-11T19:12:29-04:00September 11th, 2018|Events / Fundraisers, News|

School Council Meeting – Monday, Sept 24, 2018 at 6:30pm Meeting in the School Library The Kimberley PS Council fulfills the mandate of the Ontario Government to function as an advisory body making recommendations to the Principal of the school or to the Board on any matter. The School Council supports the enhancement of the [...]

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