
About kjpspc@live.com

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So far kjpspc@live.com has created 210 blog entries.

Back to School

2017-09-06T19:32:01-04:00September 6th, 2017|Events / Fundraisers, News|

Please browse our site for more information. If you are interested in being on this year's executive here is the nomination form - https://www.kimberleysc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/KPS-School-Council-Executive-Nomination-From-2017-18.pdf If you have any questions please email kimberleyjpscouncil@gmail.com.  

Family Fun Fair – A Huge Success

2017-06-12T16:11:04-04:00June 12th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Another Fun Fair is now over which means end of school is near. A BIG Thank you to Peter Vree, Centre 55 and everyone from Kimberley and Beaches who volunteered to help out, both parents and teachers. We had perfect weather and the kids had an amazing time.    

Volunteers Still Needed

2017-05-25T17:32:31-04:00May 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|

We only need 30 minutes of your time. We STILL need lots of volunteers for Family Fun Night (Thursday, June 8th from 5:30 - 7:30)!  Please click on the link below and sign up for a time slot. This is a great way to meet School Council members and your kids will think you are [...]

Family Fun Night Sponsorships Available

2017-05-25T17:25:57-04:00May 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|

We are looking for new sponsors for the Kimberley/Beaches annual Family Fun Night, scheduled to take place Thursday, June 8th from 5:30 to 7:30. Getting your company or product name on a Ride, Activity, or Food Booth can provide great visibility within the Kimberley/Beaches community. Roughly 300 local parents and their children participate in Family Fun Night every year. There [...]

Gardening Volunteers Needed

2017-05-17T18:24:39-04:00May 17th, 2017|Uncategorized|

A few times over the course of the year we are looking for volunteers to help with some of our school gardening initiatives.  One such event is coming up on Saturday, May 27th from 9 - 10:30am.  This is our Kimberley/Beaches Garden/Weed-a-Thon.  If you would like to volunteer for this event please send Mrs. Vree [...]

Upcoming Ward Council Dates

2017-04-13T17:21:28-04:00April 13th, 2017|Uncategorized|

A quick note to let you know that our next Ward Council Meeting will be taking place at Earl Beatty Jr and Sr PS on Tuesday, April 25 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. All are welcome. Refreshments provided. Childcare and interpretation available by request to Maxeen.Paabo@tdsb.on.ca. Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Ward Council Dates   Tuesday, May 23, [...]

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