
About kjpspc@live.com

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So far kjpspc@live.com has created 210 blog entries.

Art Card Fundraiser

2021-02-25T11:46:08-05:00November 23rd, 2020|Events / Fundraisers|

Kimberley Art Card Fundraiser One of Kimberley School Council's main goals this year is to fundraise for classroom, outdoor and educational enhancements in lieu of extracurricular classroom visits and field trips. Fundraising is critical to ensure our children are provided the resources they need to excel. With that in mind, we are participating in Art Cards [...]

Purdy’s Chocolatier Fundraiser

2021-11-03T10:43:08-04:00November 22nd, 2020|Events / Fundraisers, Purdy's Chocolates|

Kimberley Junior Public School is fundraising again this holiday season with Purdy's Chocolatier! If you’d like to purchase some sweet holiday gifts for friends, family and yourself, please consider supporting your school at the same time by clicking the link below: https://fundraising.purdys.com/504174-78490 Once signed into the fundraising site, you can buy amazing chocolates and invite others to [...]

Online Auction 2020

2020-03-13T14:06:54-04:00February 11th, 2020|Events / Fundraisers, Online Auction|

Kimberley Jr. PS - 3rd Annual Online Auction Fundraiser This Auction is now closed, thanks so much for taking part!  We raised over $7,000 this year!! Funds raised will continue to help pay for visiting programs like Scientist in the School, Artist in the School, field trip transportation, technology, sports equipment and classroom supplies. Additional [...]

Joining FlipGive is easy!

2020-02-11T16:10:50-05:00January 11th, 2020|Events / Fundraisers, fundraising|

We know that not every family wants to donate cash, some families like to get something for their money. We get it!  We’re happy to now offer a way to give without spending extra money! It’s called FlipGive, here’s how it works: Join our ‘team’ on FlipGive  Shop online like you normally [...]

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