
About kjpspc@live.com

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So far kjpspc@live.com has created 210 blog entries.

Holiday Chocolates Fundraiser

2019-11-27T09:35:30-05:00November 12th, 2019|Events / Fundraisers, Purdy's Chocolates|

Celebrate the holidays and help raise money for Kimberley Junior Public School with Purdy's Chocolatier. Thank you! Ordering is now CLOSED. Please view the online catalogue here > Please complete the order form sent home from school OR order online. Contact jenn_tinker@outlook.com, for online order directions or with any questions. Orders will be ready Friday, [...]

Centre 55 Santa Claus Parade 2019

2019-11-05T15:12:58-05:00November 5th, 2019|News|

Beaches Santa Claus Parade Sunday, November 24 at 1:00pm Presented by Community Centre 55 & The Businesses of Kingston Rd. Village Parade Route: Starting at Victoria Park & Kingston Rd, west to Walter St., north to Community Centre 55. Don’t forget your letters to Santa and a Toonie to support CC55’s Share a Christmas Program. [...]

Upper Beach Butterfiles

2019-11-05T15:30:13-05:00November 5th, 2019|Events / Fundraisers|

Kimberley Junior Public School adds to Upper Beach Neighbourhood Beautification Toronto, ON (October 30, 2019) – This past Tuesday parents (and kids) from Kimberley Junior Public School and Beaches Alternative School attached wooden butterflies to the school yard fence facing Main St. in part of a beautification project. The school councils knew they wanted to [...]

Donate now and help your school!

2019-11-05T15:25:51-05:00October 21st, 2019|Events / Fundraisers, fundraising|

Amazing things are happening at Kimberley!  The School Council and the school have aligned their budgets to achieve efficiencies in spending on Prologue performances & workshops, STEM resources, Physical Education, Health and Wellness initiatives and classroom enhancements of $250 per teacher.  We expect to use our annual operating budget to spend over $27,000 [...]

Ward 16 Meeting October 24th, 2019

2019-10-22T19:45:38-04:00October 20th, 2019|Events / Fundraisers, News|

A message from our Trustee - Michelle Arts Hello all, I look forward to having you join me for my first ward meeting of the 2019-20 school year. This meeting will be more of a meet and greet and an excellent opportunity for school council chairs, parents/caregivers, principals and superintendents to connect. I look [...]

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